Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Another soccer game

Hi good to see you again. I couldn't write any blogs in the few days because I had nothing to talk about. But today I had a another soccer game against Bergen Field. We lost but it was a good game. The score was 6-5.If I have another soccer game Iam going to my blog so visit ME!!

Sunday, February 18, 2007

My dads birthday

Gee I forgot to tell you today was also my dads birthday. My friends came and we saw a video named Aqua Teen Hunger Force. It was realy stupid but funny. The characters were a bag of french fries, a soda cup and a meat ball.

Today's soccer game

Today we battled againsts Harrington Park. We faught hard and they faught hard but we won. The score was 3-2. Last year we faught that team and we won. Anyway,this is my first blog ever. I plan to write lots of blogs about soccer. So, come back and visit this site very often. See Yah